Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The points to ponder

                                              This photo shows simplicity by focusing on
                                               the bird and eliminating all outside distraction.
                                                                   Brightness and sharpness
                                                This photo symbolizes brightness and sharpness
                                                 by grabbing the onlookers  attention with bright
                                                      colors and sharpness with a beautiful scenery
                                          This photo symbolizes simplicity by eliminating all
                                           other distractions and fills the frame with color
                                                                        and contrast.
                                                                   Rule of thirds
                                               Gives a background that has meaning and signs
                                             of calmness with a horizontal view.
                                                             Brightness and sharpness
                                          This photo gives off and array of brightness and
                                           sharpness and provides multiple stories that can
                                                      relate to multiple people in many ways
                                            This photo symbolizes simplicity for its basic color
                                             and for filling in the frame with no distractions
                                                                   Brightness and sharpness
                                            This photo symbolizes brightness with the colors
                                           and the different types of shades that are used for
                                                            the background of the photo
                                                             Brightness and sharpness
                                              This photo gives many colors and meanings and
                                            provides an amazing field of vision more like a
                                                                     Rule of thirds
                                          this photo symbolizes rule of thirds by providing a calm
                                           and focused field of vision. Follows down each line of

1. I Chose the picture that i took of the deceased bird as my best picture because i feel that i can relate to it and feel the vibes that it gives off

2. I feel like the worse picture in my assignment would have to be the picture of the water machine, not only because i cant feel the vibe but also because it is bland and boring to me

3. The worse picture that i have right now can be improved on in the future by adding some light to it and finding a better meaning for it.

4. I used light room to find the best color and lighting for my photo and i felt as if i didn't  need Photoshop because my pictures where all natural and meaningful.

5. I was able to meet the objectives and goals of the assignment by following the information given and by following by the points to ponder method.

6. The thing that i found easy about the assignment was finding my own vibes for the pictures that i took. I found it easy to take my pictures because of my creative and imaginative mind

7. If i can retake this assignment i would like to change some of the pictures i took and make sure that i carefully follow every direction for "points to ponder" so that i would have no worries on my grade for the pictures.

8. I base my effort in this assignment as an 8-10 only because some of my photos had no meaning and no color to explain for.


  1. Ricky, there are 8 different Composition points. The assignment was to post 1 picture representing each point. You only put the same 3 for all these pictures. What about Avoid Bullseye, Emphasize Foreground, Emphasize height & distance, leading lines, and multiple subjects.
    To raise grade fix your labels.

    The picture of the bird is gorgeous. It has great detail, focus, & contrast. Composition is strong in this image.

    Be careful not to over contrast or saturate your color. Overall very good for your first shoot.

  2. My favorite photo was the one with the dead bird because the detail of the bird dead on the floor is popping out and is very well taken. The photo that could be better is the keyboard its just the angle that you took the photo that makes it look good.

  3. i like your creativity and you need to work on your angle like on picture 8

  4. My favorite photo was the photo with the dead bird. It is surounded by the black textured road which makes the grey bird stand out. I feel as if the photo with the bike could be better in terms of quality. The photo isn't clear and crisp.
