1. the best shot of this assignment was the black void with the person grabbing on to the cloth in the back with the formed wrinkles
2. The weakest picture of this assignment that i thought needed improvement was
the picture with the mask
3. i think the image that was the weakest needs to be improved by making better
editing details
4. i used Photoshop and light room to edit my photo to create a better view. i used
the light room in order to brighten up my color
5. i met the goals for this assignment by creating a pose or view from the cloth
and focusing all the light in the back
6. the easy thing about this assignment was just snapping the shot that you wanted to get it in your own way
7. the difficult thing of this assignment was choosing what specific pose that you wanted to get when behind the cloth
8. i would like to change up the way that i edited the photo to put more color in the back
9. i would rate my effort as dull and unresponsive for not doing it sooner
my grades had dropped doubled then i thought.
besides all of the wrongs i think i tried my best in taking the shots